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Project-based Partnerships

Your work is unique, and you may find that you need specialized services for certain projects. I'm happy to help you invest in local businesses and individuals who can bring their top talent to meet your needs.


If you're looking for a specialized  or complex design project, our own community is flush with freelancers and agencies that can swing in to pull it off with us.



Professional, high-quality video projects cost time and money. I've worked with outstanding local production companies and can help bring your story to life for a variety of purposes- recruiting, general information sharing, project launches, and more. 



You can always have someone take pictures with their smart phone, but if you need to level up your photography for any number of reasons, I can connect you to a high caliber, local photographer. 



Depending on how we partner, I can cover your day-to-day creative and marketing needs. If you're looking for an overhaul of your brand, website, etc., I can help connect and explore some of the region's top talent in this space.

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